The Marketing Place

RJ Graham Consulting

Customized Seminars

At RJ Graham Consulting, we do not offer a list of "canned" seminars for companies to choose from. We feel it does no good to present a workshop to employees if the material does not take into consideration their specific needs, skill levels and job requirements. Instead, you choose the topics you would like to have covered. We then create a workshop or series of seminars that address the specific needs of your employees.
A partial list of topics include:

The Art of Networking

The Art of Trade Show Networking

Business Etiquette & Professionalism

Conflict Resolution

Customer Service Skills

Diversity In The Workplace

Effective Listening Skills

Management Training

Presentation Skills

Stress Management

Sales Skills

Telemarketing/ Telesales Skills

Telephone Skills Training

Time Management


Writing Contracts
& Winning Proposals

Overcoming the Fear of
Public Speaking

Writing Effective Performance


Organize It!--Paper & File Management

Effective Listening Skills




Business Etiquette & Professionalism


Conducting Productive Meetings

Presentation Skills

Conflict Resolution Preventing

Sexual Harassment

Coping with Change

Problem Solving &

Decision Making

Customer Service 2000

Selling Skills for Non-Sales People

Delegating: An Ignored Skill

Selling Strategies for the
Sales Professional

Diversity in the Workplace

Strategic Stress Management

Editing & Proofreading Skills

Team Building

Effective Business Writing

Speed Reading for Business & Fun



Technical Writing

Effective Presentation

Telemarketing Skills

Handling Difficult People

Telephone Professionalism

Hiring the Right Person the First Time

The Art of Negotiating

Improving Your Business Image

The Art of Networking

Improving Your Memory

The Art of Trade Show Networking

Leadership Skills for Women

Time Management

Management/Leadership Training

Time Management for


Mentoring as an Art

Total Quality Management

Organize It!--Computer Clutter

Train the Trainer

Organize It!-Desktop &
Space Management

Win/Win Negotiating Skills

Other Services Offered Include:

Customized Workshops
Executive/Management Coaching
Executive & Board Retreats
Key Note Speakers
Meeting Facilitation

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator
Outplacement Counseling
Pre-Employment Profile Assessments
Training Needs Analysis
Vision/Mission Creation and Communication

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